How To Increase Oxygen Levels While Sleeping

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All of the cells in the human body receive oxygen from the blood. So, when a person breathes in, red blood cells present in the blood bond with the oxygen and take this oxygen into the lungs, then transport it through the bloodstream to the entire body. Where Oxygen performs vital functions in your body. For example, at the cellular level, oxygen supports your immune system, gives you energy, helps repair worn-out cells, and does a lot more. However, make sure your blood oxygen level isn’t excessively high or low.

How To Increase Oxygen Levels While Sleeping 1

You can naturally increase oxygen levels while sleeping or you can discuss your options with your doctor.

How to Raise Blood Oxygen Levels

Your blood’s oxygen level can be raised naturally. Some common methods include:

1. Go For A Walk Or Open Your Windows

Raise Blood Oxygen Levels

Before sleeping, open your windows to get some fresh air. Opening the windows can boost the amount of oxygen your body takes in, raising the level of oxygen in your blood overall. Additionally, it enhances digestion and gives you more energy.

Similarly, going for a little stroll can also help. You can go for a walk on your lawn or even inside the house to get the air flowing in your lungs. This will also raise the level of oxygen in your blood.

2. Give Up Smoking

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Many people discover that both their circulation and total oxygen levels greatly improve after just two weeks of quitting smoking. Additionally, up to 30% of more lung function can be achieved in this little period.

3. Plant Some Plants

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Plant some plants on your lawn. If you don’t have a garden or lawn, you can keep some plant pots in your house. Houseplants also improve Indoor air quality same as outside plants. They increase the amount of oxygen that is available for your body to consume by removing carbon dioxide and replenishing the oxygen in space.

4. Perform Breathing Exercises Before Sleeping

Pulmonary rehabilitation experts advise performing basic breathing exercises like deep belly breathing or Buteyko exercises to open your airways and boost the amount of oxygen in your body.

5. Diaphragmatic Breathing

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Believe it or not. There is a proper method to breathe, although most individuals don’t practice it. Persons with restricted lung function frequently develop the habit of shallow and quick breaths into their chests.  Additionally, a person is likely to breathe incorrectly if their chest lifts when they inhale.

On the other hand, a good breath will fill the lungs with air, forcing the diaphragm downward and causing the belly to visibly expand. For this reason, belly breathing is another name for diaphragmatic breathing. To practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing, follow these instructions:

Place one hand on the tummy and the other on the chest while sitting up straight. Breathe in through your nose slowly and deeply, feeling your stomach rise and fall with each deep, diaphragmatic breath.

Breathe out slowly through your mouth, and repeat this exercise at least six times per minute for up to fifteen minutes.

6. 4-7-8 Breathing

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is one of the best (and quickest) techniques for falling asleep that has been well-known for years. Anecdotal research indicates that a person can fall asleep using this technique in less than a minute.

The “4-7-8 technique’s success” can be attributed in part to its capacity to reduce stress and encourage relaxation. This “focused breathing exercise” should be done two times a day daily to help with anxiety and stress reduction, which might also help with sleeplessness, food cravings, and mood swings.

To perform this exercise,  exhale completely via your mouth, making a “whoosh” sound like wind. Inhale via the nose while keeping your mouth shut and count quietly to four. Then, hold your breath and count to seven as you exhale.

Repeat the “whoosh” sound as you exhale through your mouth for eight counts. Repeat this exercise steps number 2 and 4 up to 5 times 

7. Buteyko Nose Breathing

Scientist Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko from Ukraine developed Buteyko breathing in the 1950s to cure respiratory issues and prevent asthma attacks. The medical establishment at the time opposed a breathing method that may reduce bodily problems without the aid of drugs or other conventional treatments.

Since then, Buteyko breathing has gained popularity since it is both highly effective and natural.

Additionally, “thousands” of people have claimed relief from conditions including hypertension, asthma, and sleep apnea by incorporating this tried-and-true technique into their daily routines, which balances the carbon dioxide levels and, and oxygen levels in the body.

It is advisable to have the elderly complete this exercise under observation, in the beginning, to avoid inappropriate techniques that could lead to hyperventilation.

To perform this exercise, sit upright and pay attention to your breathing in a peaceful, comfortable setting. Breathe in slowly through the nose to completely fill the lungs while keeping your mouth shut. When you feel the need to breathe in, softly let the air out of your lungs through your nose. Repeat exercise steps number 2 and 3 for 5 times.

8. Try Daily Breathing Exercises 

Individuals frequently stick with the treatment approach after starting to use daily breathing exercises and observing beneficial outcomes. Missing one or two days is okay as long as it doesn’t disrupt the person’s daily life and prevents them from reverting to their previous, shallow breathing patterns.

Keeping a journal to record your progress will help you stay on schedule, spot enhancements, and take note of any noteworthy variations in your health status.

Given that we breathe “more than 25,000 times” per day, it is simple to become comfortable with this main automatic process. With the help of these breathing techniques, both seniors and their careers can break previous habitual patterns and form new habits that, in a matter of weeks and will also enhance their physical health and restore their mental alertness and clarity.

You may also check your blood oxygen level using a pulse oximeter at home and take advantage of some of these all-natural methods to raise oxygen on your own while sleeping.

 However, it’s crucial to remember that these natural remedies might not be sufficient to raise your blood oxygen to a safe level if you have an underlying condition, particularly a serious illness like carbon monoxide poisoning or pneumonia. Get to the closest hospital as soon as you can if you exhibit hypoxemia-related symptoms.

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I am Dr. Aniqa Agha graduate from King Edward Medical University. I did major in Physical therapy. I am also a professional content writer for over four years experience in content writing. During these years, i have written numerous research articles, health blog posts.